Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Put it on the line

I was recently e-mailed a very simple question that I have not seen many simple answers to from my opponents. I am posting part of their e-mail and my response. I apologize for any spelling errors (Thank you ITA).

On 7/18/2010 4:07 PM, Russell & Austin wrote:
> I believe in the same things you state you believe.
> My question is:

1) Until a veto override or new President is available the only thing I would be able to do is block new Socialist policy and inform the citizens of Missouri.
2) When the party is able to pass bills then I will at the least make every effort to overturn every socialist bill that has been passed including health care.

My hopes are to pass 4 new bills and/or constitutional amendments
1) With exception to war and natural disaster the Federal Government is required to have a balanced Budget. (And possibly eliminate income tax and replace with sales tax capped)
2) The Federal Government is not allowed to implement programs or policy within states that are not for the sole benefit of protection from foreign governments or foreign citizens, interstate trade, natural disaster, interstate law enforcement, Grants, or Federal law enforcement.
3) Re classify Small business from 500 or less employees to 25 or less employees. Implement special programs for these companies to help their survival rate. Exempt these companies from union organization without the owners approval. Require union's to make public 100% of their financial information. Prevent Unions from forming monopolies by limiting their organizations to the company the employees work for. Make it illegal to require union only on tax funded projects. Re-organize how prevailing wage is determined.
4) No new bills shall be voted on until the bill is made public and 24 hours per 100 pages has passed. No amendments shall be made to any bill that is not directly related to the bill. A new type of bill created called an amendment bill for amendments to various bills previously passed and the bill cannot be voted on until it has been publicly posted for 24 hours.

These may be very generalized but I believe that this would be a very good start.
Davis Conway

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