Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Put it on the line

I was recently e-mailed a very simple question that I have not seen many simple answers to from my opponents. I am posting part of their e-mail and my response. I apologize for any spelling errors (Thank you ITA).

On 7/18/2010 4:07 PM, Russell & Austin wrote:
> I believe in the same things you state you believe.
> My question is:

1) Until a veto override or new President is available the only thing I would be able to do is block new Socialist policy and inform the citizens of Missouri.
2) When the party is able to pass bills then I will at the least make every effort to overturn every socialist bill that has been passed including health care.

My hopes are to pass 4 new bills and/or constitutional amendments
1) With exception to war and natural disaster the Federal Government is required to have a balanced Budget. (And possibly eliminate income tax and replace with sales tax capped)
2) The Federal Government is not allowed to implement programs or policy within states that are not for the sole benefit of protection from foreign governments or foreign citizens, interstate trade, natural disaster, interstate law enforcement, Grants, or Federal law enforcement.
3) Re classify Small business from 500 or less employees to 25 or less employees. Implement special programs for these companies to help their survival rate. Exempt these companies from union organization without the owners approval. Require union's to make public 100% of their financial information. Prevent Unions from forming monopolies by limiting their organizations to the company the employees work for. Make it illegal to require union only on tax funded projects. Re-organize how prevailing wage is determined.
4) No new bills shall be voted on until the bill is made public and 24 hours per 100 pages has passed. No amendments shall be made to any bill that is not directly related to the bill. A new type of bill created called an amendment bill for amendments to various bills previously passed and the bill cannot be voted on until it has been publicly posted for 24 hours.

These may be very generalized but I believe that this would be a very good start.
Davis Conway

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I have learned several things about politics in general over the last few months and I believe that the people are here for the fight but the same old machine is still running the program.

I have stopped answering questionnaires from associations or groups because I find most of them to be contrary to what should be expected from a representative of the people. For example there was one association that I agreed with and thought that they would seriously benefit from me being in office, but part of their questionnaire wanted me to promise and introduce 1 piece of legislation per year on their behalf.

That is not how I work, I am not going to start telling everyone that I agree fully with everything that they do or believe just for an endorsement, I am not going to sell my honor for a vote. My job would be for the best interest of Missouri and the wishes of Missourians even if it was not how I personally felt. If that is my demise then so be it.

There are several problems we face and my primary goal will be to fix the root of the cause. There is more info on my website but here are the primary problems that I believe need correction and will do everything in my power to accomplish that goal.

1) Shrink the size of Government – Our Federal government has turned into an inefficient blob that no one seems to be able to control or organize. It is full of needless jobs, agencies, and policy solely for the benefit of gaining votes, employing friends and family, hiding money and paybacks. Agencies that we rely on or need are lost in this mess and cannot perform efficiently.

2) Support small business – I do not think that the government realizes that small business with 25 or less employee’s is the life blood of our economy. Small business needs to be given the tools and resources to succeed.

3) Education – Our education standing is deplorable. The Federal Government needs to reward success, not compliance in poorly fabricated government programs and policy.

4) Welfare – The largest crippling downfall of our government was the bright idea of paying people to do nothing. Yes we should take care of those that cannot physically take care of themselves but today’s policy is beyond ridiculous. When people know that the government will support them they will do less in general. We should not pay for those that simply choose not to work.

I believe that all of our issues stem from one of the four listed above and I believe that all four are caused by politicians desire for power. Let the federal government protect me from foreign invaders and ensure interstate harmony but leave everything else up to the states.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Thanks for the invite

As the election draws nearer I will be trying to Blog more.

I have felt very bad over the last couple of months and weeks to come about not attending all of the events that I have been invited to.

I hope that everyone realizes that I have a family to feed and a business that was terribly affected by the recession. I have made plans for my company if the election goes in my favor but at this time it would be foolish to drop everything.

Unfortunately I do not have a government job or paycheck that affords me the luxury of traveling to all of the events like some of the other candidates.

At times I have left work to drive for hours to attend a function that lasts hours so that I can speak for 3-5 minutes before or after a few other people running for the same position. And believe it or not we all say close to the same thing because we all know what you want to hear. I am not saying that because we do not believe it also, I am just pointing out 3-9 people saying basically the same thing for 3-5 minutes each not only makes the crowd lose interest but at times I blank out myself. Then I drive home for hours trying not to fall asleep along the way because I have to be back at work in a few short hours.

Then there are the events where the above applies but they also want anywhere from $50 to $200 from me to “rent” a table to put out my information.

I wish I could attend every event and speak to everyone that cares to listen. But the reality of it is that it is just not physically or financially possible at this point. I do not feel with so many other candidates I am spending my time or donators money wisely.

If we really want to elect someone based on what they believe and their ability then we are going to have to do the leg work. Listening to them for a couple of minutes at an event really just tells you who the best speaker is and not what they will do for us.

Here let me give you a simple breakdown of myself,
1. I have lived in Missouri all of my life and my father’s family moved here during the civil war.
2. I have owned an electrical contracting business that I started at age 26 in 1996 and built it up to about $3,000,000.00 in annual sales in 2007. After the recession that number was $300,000.00 in 2009.
3. I understand having bill collectors call and watching the government give money to companies that do not deserve it while I get nothing except a tax break for hiring new people that I do not need because there is no work.
4. I know that 80% of the people in Missouri work for a company that employs 25 or less people.
5. I wrote a book over 1 ½ years ago that warned of the unions greed and power in our government. (Next time your school cuts programs or teachers, read the book!)
6. Life Member of the NRA for over 18 years.
7. I am a member of MENSA and Intertel. That means that my IQ is in the 99th percentile. I am not bragging, it is just a fact.
8. I have never held office so I do not owe anyone any political favors.

So, I have deep roots in our state, I understand small business and the affect the recession has had on all of us, I thoroughly understand that the government and unions are wasting our money every day, I like guns and own many, I am unquestionably more intelligent than the other candidates, and I do not need to understand a game that I do not plan to play because no one has anything over me.

Now if you are leaning towards another candidate just ask yourself what would they put above? Or is your only qualification for electing someone is that they eloquently tell you what they know you want them to say?

P.S. Just because they have done it before does not mean that they do it well. 50% of the Doctors graduated in the bottom half of their class.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Patriot Guard

As we celebrate our countries independence I am not going to talk about myself or the campaign. I am not going to solely mention our men and women at war this holiday because they are in my thoughts every day.

We celebrate this holiday because people like you and me stood up against a government that they did not believe in. We have all of our freedoms and ability to speak our mind, live and work where we want, and replace politicians we do not like with anyone we choose every few years because everyday people fought and died for it.

This year I will be thanking the Patriot Guard! Superficial people may turn their nose up at them but in my opinion they show more respect and patriotism to our country than half the people I know. They do not do it for party, policy, PR, or wealth.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to respect those that protect us.